A review by himalaya
Ocean's Godori by Elaine U. Cho


hm. this has a really rich and interesting world but…. it is a little all over the place . It’s a very slow start introducing you to the characters and world to the point where I thought the whole thing would just be slow and character focused, but then suddenly there’s this fast actiony plot - which feels undeveloped and unresolved? 
There's some cool side characters but they also feel a bit underdeveloped. There's a bit of a m/f romance and m/m one - I didn't super care for the former and the latter is very brief (and....how much do I care about this rich guy lmao?) There's some good central platonic relationships too, but again I didn't get a ton from them.

I do think there was a lot of potential in this, it just ultimately fell a bit flat for me which is a shame!