A review by katiegilley
The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn


I adore Kate Quinn and was anxiously awaiting the publication of The Diamond Eye. The description sounded amazing: Mila, a librarian from Kyiv studying to become a historian, becomes one of the most decorated sharp shooter during WWII.

I will admit that the timing of this release has colored my perception of it. Mila fights with the Soviet Union, which of course, includes Russia. I had a hard time stomaching the fact that she was fighting alongside the ancestors of the people currently bombing her own homeland right now. And to watch cities such as Kyiv and Odesa fall during WWII... well, it all felt so familiar and tragic.

Most of this book takes place on the front lines of the war, which must have been difficult for Quinn to write about. I know it was difficult to read.
SpoilerAnd the book culminates to an FDR assassination attempt, which felt contrived
. I'm sorry to say that I couldn't wait for this book to end.

But I'm anticipating Kate Quinn's next book because she's still one of my favorite authors!