A review by erikbergstrom
Refuse to Be Done: How to Write and Rewrite a Novel in Three Drafts by Matt Bell


Enjoyed this unique take on a writing craft book. I was beginning to enter that solitary realm of writing where everything I put down looks like garbage and that nobody's ever had to deal with this amount of self pressure or disappointment before. Matt Bell reminds me how normal it is, and how easy it can be to overcome. He doesn't write as a smarty pants professor (even though he is one) but as a fellow writer, like he's sitting with you at the pub telling you what secrets have worked for him and sounding casually excited about it.

Nothing really groundbreaking here... write the scenes you want to first and rearrange later, write without a plot in mind and see where your characters feel like going, revise on paper instead of a word processor, etc. But it's laid out for a quick read (pick up and set down when the inspiration strikes) and it has the reinforcement most writers need from a unique voice in the craft writing genre.