A review by tomasthanes
Ubik by Philip K. Dick


Wow. I read this book because of the previous book "[b:Monsters All the Way Down|23193192|Monsters All the Way Down|Ryan McSwain|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1410294442s/23193192.jpg|42738280]" by [a:Ryan McSwain|4878662|Ryan McSwain|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1404355365p2/4878662.jpg] who said that he was influenced by this [a:Philip K. Dick|4764|Philip K. Dick|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1264613853p2/4764.jpg] book.

This is crazy.
SpoilerNot quite time travel but time regression. You're not sure whether you're alive or in "half life" (suspended animation "cold pack" where your brain activity still allows you to respond). Ubik is the unexplained substance that prevents regression (and sometimes death).

I was intrigued by the contrast between old and new. They had rocket ships but you needed an "ignition key" to start them (like cars). They had cigarettes but still used matches to light them (rather than disposable lighters).

An interesting read.