A review by betharanova
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto


I wanted to like this, because it's rare to find angel fiction that doesn't bash on, you know, God. My BFF. And religion in general.

But this book was a bread sandwich. The plot didn't show up until halfway through. Until that point, it was just a shaky understanding of angels and Catholicism traipsing around a high school setting. The love interest was obsessively parental and it was supposed to be romantic. Abstinence before marriage was brought up about three times. There was no religion but Christianity. There was no orientation but straight, to such a degree that I, a straight person reading a straight romance, found it obnoxious. It was nearly five hundred pages of holding hands, thinking pure chaste thoughts, and listening angels wax poetic about how they cannot be personally attached to humans (hELLO???).

The plot tried to throw some spice in but missed the pot completely. Not even a demon could make it interesting.

It didn't do anything wrong, but that was by virtue of it not doing anything.