A review by danieyoop
The Devil You Know: A Novel by Elisabeth de Mariaffi


I received this in a Goodreads give away and was excited to get into it. This book should not be confused with M. Carey's book of the same name (however after trying to read my gifted book, I realized there is actually no way one could mistake the two).

Reading this reminded me of Ben Stein: Beuller? Beuller? Anyone? Anyone?

In all fairness I should note that de Mariaffi had a tough crowd to get through at the time. I had just picked up the newest Richard Kadrey and Tom Holt.

(Yes, I realize this review is more about what I do enjoy reading rather than really delving into the actual book I am here to review. ☺ I just wanted to name drop a few authors that, should someone of a like mind read my review, maybe they haven't already read.)