A review by sjb86
Zeke by Milly Taiden


Alpha Geek Zeke
Zeke is friends with Knox and help him when he needed help and then he transformed into a shifter.
Zeke is being hunted because his serum is a key to making people into shifters but it’s untested and there’s no guarantee it will work or not harm someone which is why Zeke hasn’t trialed it with human testing.
Zeke’s friends with Nick who owns a security company and sends his cousin Alexa to protect Zeke from these unknown attackers.
As soon as Alexa meets Zeke she knows he’s her mate but while they are getting to know each other he’s gravely injuried and instructs Alexa to inject him with untested shifter serum.
He wakes up a duel shifter with a lion and wolf inside him desperately wanting to mate Alexa.
I love that Zeke and Alexa develop a relationship before he becomes a shifter.
Afterwards Zeke is incredibly sexy and very much a alpha and I love how the dynamic of the relationship change when they are more on even footing.
Absolutely love MT she a instant buy for me no matter what the stories about.