A review by vkemp
Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre


Sirantha Jax is a crackerjack navigator of grimspace, the place where spaceships travel to get from one place to another without taking years of light speed. But she has been recruited to travel to a far planet as an ambassador to negotiate an alliance with an alien race in order to protect the known universe from a very alien threat, the Morgut. Arriving on Ithissi-Tor, she works with a member of the alien "bug" race, who has been exiled from his home world because of his wanderlust. Jax is hindered by several obstacles, the most important of which is her lover's withdrawal due to his PTSD. Jax has to figure out a way to get March back into the game. Then she has to figure out who the traitor is on her team. Lots of action and enjoyable romance. Jax is a great character.