A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon


The Priory Of The Orange Tree
Author: Samantha Shannon

The Priority Of The Orange Tree is a very popular standalone fantasy book that i spotted everywhere online or came across to at book blogs. This made me felt exhilarated to read this book myself and figure out if this book is worth the hype.

When i first opened the book i was thrilled to discover the very detailed world maps. World maps create the ability for me to experience the story more.

We follow a cast of multiple characters formed by different religions and nations while they prepare for the return of the evil Nameless One. A dangerous feared creature who was defeated but not slayed 1000 years ago.

While the Nameless One is making his comeback to destroy the mortal world different allies need to work together to be able to slay him for good.

We follow a total of four storytellers who guide us through the different aspects and obstacles they have to overcome in order to achieve their goals.

The storytellers are:

Ead Duryan a mysterious lady and a absolute expert when it comes to hiding her double life as a mage. She was sended to the Inys court to protect the Inys queen named Sabran.

Lorth Artelorth Back the heir of the wealthy province named the Leas located in Inys and the best friend of Queen Sabran of Inys.

Tané the dragonrider and crime committer. She rescued a outsider which is a big deal in times of the Red sickness pandemic.

Nicolas Roos the banished anatomist and alchemist with his own believes.

We meet two different sorts of dragons. The bad fire-breathing Wyrms of the West and the water dragons known as the noble gods from the East. The storyline includes besides the dragon slayer aspects also a queer romance in a very religious divided world. The world building is astonishing and the book is well developed. The back of the book includes extensive character list, creature list and glossary.

It took me a bit to came into the the storyline. I didn't felt attached to all the characters and found the storyline a bit too slow paced at some points. Besides that i was amused by all the fantasy creatures and the world itself.