A review by karensbooks
Powerful by Lauren Roberts


My heart is broken. I knew the ending, but still had a tiny sliver of hope. (I still do tbh).

Updated review:

Did I start this book knowing exactly how it would end? Yes, but did it still break my heart? Absolutely.

I had to fight to hold back those tears on the airplane; I would have probably made the man next to me freak out if I suddenly burst into tears. I also finished this book in one sitting, which was the 4 hours on the airplane.

In *Powerful*, we follow Pae’s best friend, Adena, and her life in the slums. It’s a cute love story between her and a smith who also has a friend in the trials.

Adena is, for me, a very relatable character. She is a lover, not a fighter. She sees the good things in every situation, and people around her often compare her to the sun. She is soft and gentle but with a good sense of humor. She is easy to love, which makes the ending even more heartbreaking.

The book focuses more on the love story (no complaints here) and contains less action than *Powerless*, which I think makes total sense for Adena’s story. The story is still exciting, and you will be entertained through the whole book.