A review by randomly_kait
Ctrl Z by Danika Stone


* I was given this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion. *

I really liked this book, and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick read that will have them sitting on the edge of their seats.

I liked watching the characters grow throughout the book, and become more sure of themselves and what they wanted. I especially liked Indigo as the main character. The more I read and learned more about her background, the more I found myself rooting for her, and hoping that she got what she wanted. I liked Jude as well, though there were times I wished that I could shake some sense into him.

Another thing that I liked about this book was the fact that it goes to show that you absolutely cannot judge a person by what they look like, or assume that you know their story. I mean, I would never have guessed that Jude and Indigo were dealing with all that crazy stuff. Yes, someone probably could, but certainly not me.

One thing that I found slightly confusing, was the fact that there were several narrators in this story, and if you're not paying attention, it will change from one to the other, and you'll be sitting there going... Ummmm, wait, what?! Definitely not a good idea to read it while your sisters are fighting with each other...*COUGH COUGH* ahem, well then...

I really liked this book (just in case you didn't read that statement at the beginning of my review). But I thought the ending was going to kill me! I kinda wanted to see more of how their relationship went from that point on, but I liked it anyway (I am full of contradictions, am I not?) It was one of those things where, even though I wanted more, I sat the book down with a big goofy grin on my face. Okay, enough of my mumbling, go read it!! :)