A review by mslizalou
Better Than Me by Kimberly Kincaid


Better Than Me is the second book in the Remington Medical series from Kimberly Kincaid. I adored the first book in this series and really didn't think Ms. Kincaid could top it, and I'm happy to say I was so wrong. Better Than Me is absolutely my favorite book ever from Ms. Kincaid.

I loved everything about getting Jonah and Natalie's story. The best friends-to-lovers troupe is a favorite of mine and it was done so well in Better Than Me. Jonah is a known commitment phobe. He loves to play the field and absolutely never brings anyone back to his apartment. Natalie is pretty much a workaholic who always looks for the bright side of everything (very much a Pollyanna). However, when Natalie has a mishap with her apartment and needs a place to stay, she immediately turns to her best friend Jonah. I seriously laughed out loud at all of his initial excuses why Natalie should try and find somewhere else to stay. It was so freaking comical especially since Natalie could counter each and every reason.

I absolutely loved that Jonah and Natalie were truly best friends before their relationship changed to a physical one. They had the best relationship and I honestly felt like them becoming lovers only brought they closer. They both seemed to share more about their pasts and their fears once they made love for the first time. I fell in love with this couple right along with them. Ms. Kincaid took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions with Better Than Me. One minute I was laughing out loud and the next I was sobbing my eyes out. I love a book that pulls so many emotions from me, and Better Than Me did it in spades.

Better Than Me was a wonderful addition to the Remington Medical series. I am already counting down the days until we get to head back to Remington Medical for the next book in the series. I highly recommend Better Than Me for fans of contemporary romance books.

Rating: 5 Stars (A+)
Review copy provided by publisher