A review by thephdivabooks
In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick


Cute emergency!!!

In Dog We Trust is adorable, uplifting, and magnetic—I care so much for Jocelyn and those sweet labs that I wish I could have another book so I don’t have to leave them behind on those pages! When I read In Dog We Trust by Beth Kendrick, I wasn’t sure what to think. A dog romance book? But no—this is a book about a woman finding herself, learning about love and heart ache, and saving some pretty adorable pups along the way. This is a must-read for anyone who wants a feel-good romance with some laugh-out-loud moments!

My full review can be found on PhDiva.blog!


Since this is part of a series, I worried that I’d be spoiled on other books, or lost, but I didn’t need to worry! The series is actually focused on the town of Black Dog Bay—a town renowned for healing broken hearts. Each book in the series focuses on a different resident of the town. I took a peak and there are a few characters from previous books that pop up as side characters here, but it didn’t spoil ANY of their stories, so I’m already looking forward to reading the rest of this series!

Jocelyn is so fantastic—I loved her! She is vulnerable, a bit naive at times, but when it comes to her values she won’t compromise an inch. She is all heart, and because of that, she believes the best in everyone—even those who might not deserve it.

The dogs! I loved the contrast between the rigid training of show dogs, and the loving care that Jocelyn provides. As curmudgeon-y as her boss seems, he is the one who hired her. He knows what she offers to those dogs and he wants that for them. I found it incredibly sweet!

And then there is the whole heartbreak to contend with. I won’t say much, but you’ll be infuriated like I was, I’m sure! But I thought it was wonderful how Kendrick didn’t let the story turn depressing. Jocelyn has other passions in life, and the dogs need her. Jocelyn is a strong woman and I really enjoyed reading about her so much!

Many thanks to Berkley for my copy of this book. I can’t wait to hear what others think! I read it as a book club read with the book besties, and we all found it adorable and charming and uplifting.