A review by tallpaul
Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy: Rules Tome by Gavin Norman


This is by far one of the most superbly organized rulebooks I've come across in my 15+ years of gaming. Old School Essentials (OSE) keeps all the old rules from the D&D of yore and puts them into a modern typeface and layout. It's even modernized the language to make it a much easier read. My favorite part is how page numbers are included next to new terms. Why don't most other rulebooks do this!?

OSE even adds the option to play using ascending armor class (roll higher thank targets Armor Class on a d20 to hit) for those who don't want to deal with THAC0. It even goes so far as to include both armor types in the monster descriptions. It adds a lot of optional rules like this allowing the game master (GM) to craft the rules to fit whatever play style their going for.

However, this is both a blessing and a curse as you'll probably need to make it well know which rules are included or not included in your game. This is probably something most GMs do anyway so take this criticism with a gain of salt.

For those if you confused by the vast number of books offered in the OSE series, this one is really all you need. I didn't have any trouble running a game with this book alone. The other books are completely optional, but keep in mind this doesn't come with a starting adventure.

All in all a fantastic rules set. A must read for any aspiring rulebook writers.