A review by jesshiltbrand
The Fantasy League by Meg Reading

  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


Oh wow was this a book. One of the worst I’ve read in a while but it’s definitely a book. 

Firstly with Scarlet, weirdly obsessed with and codependent on her best friend who she only refers to as her sister who is so beautiful and so rich that she lets her live in her pool house but also secretly bought Scarlett a multi million dollar house next door so that they could always live right next to each other… okay. 

Next meet Abel, the emotionally and socially stunted football player who gets his dating advice from third graders because instead of just asking Scarlett out the first time he sees her, he hires her as his personal chef and makes her think he hates her for 8 months while secretly pining after her.

The set up of the fake dating was fine I guess until spoiler alert it was all a weird lie that Abel’s coach and daughter, who just happens to be the PR manager, cooked up… for no reason? 

I mean you’d think it can’t possibly get worse than that but no, it definitely does. Scarlett and Abel fake date for about 3 minutes before they’re both actually really feeling all the feelings for each other and they’re so in love and decide to be together for real, what a great ending, but wait! You know Abel’s ex that Scarlett and the author have been hinting about the entirety of their week old relationship? Well Abel was hugging her so he must be cheating, oh wait just kidding that’s just his “half-sib” nobody has ever known about. Then when Abel and Scarlett make yo and get back together the author really wants to make up for the fact that for the first 80% of the book there is no smut whatsoever by making the next 40 pages all smut. Morning, afternoon, night. All day, every day. And after being together for a whopping 3 week weeks they’re going to move in together. 

Now I would’ve been okay being done there but of course not. Then we have the epilogue. After being engaged for a literal day, Scarlett’s ‘sister’ makes an off handed joke about how the two of them should just get married right then and there and they can just FaceTime their parents for the ceremony… and they do it. They have a their friend OCTOBER, who of course is already ordained, marry them literally 24 hours after the proposal all while Scarlett is trying to figure out how to time her pregnancy to Mae’s even though Mae is literally not in a relationship at all.

I mean truly the whole thing was nonsense.