A review by sea_silver
Shadow's Kiss by T.M. Hart


I honestly don't know how I feel about this book. It wasn't bad. In fact, there were several times that I had a hard time putting it down. The pacing was probably the weirdest part for me. The events that didn't seem important were drawn out and too many details provided. Alternatively, the big events were barely described and happened so quickly I found myself needing to go back and re-read because I was so lost. I didn't care for the whole club scene and Lilly. It threw off the momentum of the book for me so I'm hoping it was never to future books to introduce them as the author did. I really liked Gideon and even Elijah. But it was obvious the author was going to "pull a ACOTAR" and so I knew not to get connected to him. Sidenote, if you want the reader to be truly surprised then don't actually give us a warning in the book description that we should expect the unexpected. And my final complaint is with whatever editor failed school because this book was filled with so many fanatical errors it was hard to focus on the actual story at times.