A review by witchylevy
A Court of Blood and Void by Meg Xuemei X


When I read the blurb I thought that Cass would eventually run away from the potential four mates. She thinks about it often, tries once, but doesn't so to me that's misleading. Other than that, this was a fun and sexy read. I definitely don't like Jezebel and it will be interesting to see how that problem is dealt with. The best part of this book is that even with the fun sexy scenes there is a real and fascinating storyline to follow. The romance is definitely a main part of the story, but not the only focus, which is terrific. For those complaining of her age, which is chronologically 16, the author does explain that Cass reached her species adulthood at 9 years old. It even lists her equivalent age as in her early 20s. So she's not a child.