A review by lizabethstucker
Her Wicked Ways by Darcy Burke


Lady Miranda Sinclair, sent to the country as punishment for her willful ways in London, is robbed while on her way to her temporary home. With no money or jewels to give to the highwayman, she offers him a kiss.

Desperate for money to support his orphanage, Montgomery Foxcroft reluctantly turns highwayman. Knowing it won’t be enough, Fox is convinced by a friend to woo the obviously wealthy heiress he had just kissed.

Miranda is a hoot! She’s also a spoiled brat, but Burke does show that Miranda doesn’t mean to hurt people, she’s just been so ignored by her parents that she constantly rebels in the only manner she has available to herself. She is forced by her strict uncle to help a local orphanage, running into Fox. Although she doesn’t realize it at the time, this is the best thing that could’ve happened to her.

There are plenty of road blocks before the couple get their happily ever after, one of the biggest being Miranda herself. A delightful read that I’m so pleased to have taken a chance on. This is also still free at Amazon. 4.5 out of 5.

WARNING: While this starts out as a typical Regency, sweet with just a touch of heat, there is a scene in a brothel that shoots straight to super hot. Then there is the encounter in the stable.