A review by nicolemhewitt
The Time of Green Magic by Hilary McKay


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Hauntingly lyrical and eerie, A Time of Green Magic paints a portrait of a blended family learning to love each other in a new house touched by something mystical. The story follows Abi, Max, and Louis, who are all just trying to figure out where they fit after the boys’ dad and Abi’s mom get married. When they move to a new house, strange things start happening—Abi’s always got her head in a book, and the house seems to brings those books to life right around her. Meanwhile little Louis finds a strange creature in his room that keeps him company, but grows ever wilder and more intimidating, and Max is dealing with a first crush that he definitely doesn’t know how to handle. The kids eventually have to come together to solve the mystery of the house’s magic and find a way to keep it in check before it goes too far. This is a quiet book, best for patient MG readers who don’t need everything spelled out for them right away and don’t need every loose end tied up with a bow at the end. But the writing is utterly gorgeous, and what kid wouldn’t love the idea of a magical house that brings books to life?