A review by samthebibookworm
The Hollow Heart by Marie Rutkoski


Trigger warnings- death, violence, poison and mass murder

The Hollow Heart is the sequel for The Midnight Lie and we jump straight into the ending of the first book. Here we get POV of other characters as well as Nirrim, telling us happenings of Herrath and Herran.

Sid’s POV was truly incredible, we get to see her going through the hardness of her childhood and youth, how she felt being a child of heroes with their legacies and how much she wanted to write her own. Her individual growth and the relationship with other character’s was so well written and in a way very relatable. Sid wasn't perfect (to me she was) but yes she fought a lot, sometimes disobeyed orders and because of her reputation no one believed her, but she did all she could to fight. In the end she fought for herself, her family and for love.
In Sid’s POV we also got to see some of the old characters from Marie’s The Winner's trilogy. For the readers of it this book would be an incredible nostalgic trip and even for the new readers it won't be confusing.

When it comes to Nirrim’s POV, she has changed completely since the last book. She is now cold, cruel and vicious, avenging her people and calling herself the queen. I actually enjoyed her side of this, hoe without human compassion one can go to certain measures to even protect people even if you hurt them.

Though I did enjoy The Midnight Lie more than this book. The reason for that is the ending. I didn't hate the ending but it was very rushed with everything happening around. Too many questions were left unanswered and since it was a duology we won't be getting anything new. Though a third book could be very good.
But other than that it was truly beautiful. Marie’s writing is poetic and gives you all the feels, Sid and Nirrim are one of the best characters i have ever met and the plot was definitely fantastical.