A review by sammytvo
How to Win a Breakup: A Novel by Farah Heron


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I love the diverse characters with different cultures and life experiences. I love all the baked goods like I was craving lemon squares (and i’ve never had a lemon square). I love the premise of the book with a math-genius gamer girl teaming up with a sunshine, hockey player who loves to bake, to form a fake relationship. However, I personally felt like the execution wasn’t the best.

The book starts off with so much information being told to the reader all at once. I’m sure the information was important towards the main character’s thought progress and story but it just felt like too much background! Like I didn’t need to know that the main character went to math class and took an exam. It felt like I experienced a whole school day with her in the first few chapters (how exhausting)

I understand building a foundation for the plot but it felt so chaotic with so much going on for the main character! I lowkey had headaches trying to keep up! like there's an anonymous gossip account that for some reason is obsessed with the main character's love life. there’s a mystery surrounding the identity of her gaming partner. the question of who took the picture of Daniel at the shelter. With all this happening, there's also the main(?) plot of Samaya fake dating to convince everyone she's over her ex while trying to build a gaming app!!

The book had an overwhelming beginning along with a tedious pacing. So, once the real plot actually began (20% in), I was already getting bored!

Throughout the book, Samaya is too focused trying to navigate through all these problems, that the book ended up being about said problems! I couldn’t really connect with Samaya because of this and that there wasn’t much depth to her character. I love Daniel’s character tho! He felt like a nice reprieve from everything! Honestly I wish we got more of him or his pov! Sam and Daniel were cute too! I would’ve liked to see more of their romance/relationship!

I feel like some of the dialogue between some characters felt inserted instead of genuine conversation. Like the author wrote in dialogue for the purpose to create a “connection” between characters and move the story along. I feel like the author should build more on the relationships between the characters instead all the different conflicts going on.

Also, at times, it felt like the transition to one scene to the next felt abrupt! For example, there would be dialogue still being spoken and then it would skip to a different scene.

Honestly I was expecting a cute romance but this book just gave me stress from mentally trying to keep with all the things