A review by devon
Brand New Friend by Mike Gayle


Read October, 2006

Mike Gayle has easily become one of my go to authours. When he comes out with a new book I am amungst the first to order it, when I am in a slump and want to read something that is sure to give me a chuckle I pick up a Mike Gayle book. His voice is always fresh and his story lines are certianly not typical and in his latest 'BRAND NEW FRIEND' he delivers all that fans have come to expect from him.

Gayle has a knack for taking his readers on a laugh-out-loud funny journey into the male mind. Unfortunately it seems that all the men in his books are pretty similar (which makes me wonder...is that so unrealistic?) they love a good beer, hanging out with their friends in crappy bars, music, and talking about nothing (okay so it is pretty realistic!). But somehow he comes up with innovative story lines that force these men to make some tough decisions and examine feelings that they would much rather be kept buried. Gayle never, in my opinion, takes unrealistic turns in order to wrap the story up in a neat little package...everything doesn't always end up the way we would hope and 'BRAND NEW FRIEND'is no exception.

When Rob decided to take the plunge and move in with his girlfriend of two years, Ashley, he is forced to leave behind one of his most cherished assets...his friends. Because of Ashley's job Rob moves to Manchester two hours outside of his home town of London and is forced to try to make a new life for himself but that is not as easy as it sounds. Six months into the move and Rob has not yet made one single new friend, and not for lack of trying. After numerous "bloke dates" orchestrated by Ashley Rob is just about at the end of his rope when he meets Jo. She and Rob have everything in common and have the potential to be great friends...only problem is that J-O is not J-O-E.

Will Rob's relationship with Ashley survive his friendship with Jo? And is it possible for a man and a woman to really be "just friends"?

'BRAND NEW FRIEND' is at times hilariously funny and at times heartbreakingly realistic. This is definitely another winner from Gayle!