A review by pikasqueaks
Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz


I had a difficult time reading this. The thing is, the author's writing is good, and that's what kept me going. But if I had to read one more obsessive reference to Camus, I would have probably put the book down. Maybe it's just the predisposition I have to disliking philosophy, but I think I would have enjoyed this a heck of a lot more if it wasn't absolutely everywhere.

And maybe I dislike "summer" as a destiny, destination, and life too much to be necessarily impartial.

I'm going to aim for reading another one of the author's books, though, because I like her writing. With the exception of "her rape victim face," and "stopped living like a gypsy," and some other pretty cringe-worthy lines -- but that's what you expect from a child, like Chase.