A review by yarnandcameras
A Warden's Purpose by Jeffrey L. Kohanek

3.75 stars which rounds to 4. :) Excellent plot, plus good world building and characters. Slow at the beginning and some of the writing is a bit stilted, but overall it’s good enough to get me to want to read the next one in the series.

I like the characters and the idea of a differently-abled person in the context of a less technologically developed world. Everson’s need to be useful absolutely makes sense as a driver for his character. I also liked having two main characters with opposite personalities and strengths, and it’s nice that the thinky inventor disabled one is a boy and the more impulsive enforcer physical one is a girl. Yay turning tropes on their head! Having different academies for each of them also made it less of a typical young-hero-goes-to-school story (I’m a bit tired of those). The world building is nicely done: the politics are interesting, there’s enough details about crafts and people’s everyday lives to be believable but not over the top, and the magic system and the way it interacts with mechanical engineering is excellent, and again makes sense without getting too information-dump-ish on the reader.

Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, through Esme’s TBRindr list on r/fantasy.