A review by betharanova
Alliances by Timothy Zahn


Timothy Zahn continues to understand. This one covered two very different adventures in different times, and both were a delight.

Half the book involves Anakin and Padme sneaking around on some Separatists. Anakin crossed paths with Thrawn first--and already the dynamic is great, because Thrawn is both helpful and pleasantly evasive, and Anakin takes to that about as well as you'd expect. When Padme comes into the picture, it gets even better. Padme and Thrawn's interactions were incredible, and honestly Anakin was right to be insecure about letting them spend time together. Young soldier Thrawn is really something to behold. By the way, Zahn GETS how kick-butt Padme is, and he lets her achieve her full level of greatness in this book.

The other half involves the Imperials, and that is a fun ride. Vader's 501st and Thrawn's Chimaera crew have so much tension and rivalry going on; everyone thinks their commander is the greatest. As usual, I love every side character Zahn comes up with. Even though I miss Pellaeon, Faro has a special place in my heart. Meanwhile, Vader and Thrawn themselves are also butting heads over methods, the past, and most of all loyalties. Vader is justified in that, too; Thrawn continues to be pleasantly evasive when the question of the Empire vs. the Ascendancy comes up. As he should be. As he always will be.

In short, this was tons of fun. The character interactions were spectacular. Zahn knows exactly what he's done to me regarding Thrawn and he's apparently not sorry for it.