A review by saccalai
The Thief of Farrowfell by Ravena Guron


Jude is part of the top thieving family in Farrowfell, but as the youngest, she's never really treated as if she belongs. She's determined to prove herself to the rest of the family and show them that she is just as capable as the rest of them.
The book starts with a lovely map that has the most important place at center, the library! And it is just as magical as you would expect, with rooms that can answer every question. The magic system is really unique and interesting, where dangerous raw magic is tamed and made into spells you can eat. You can turn invisible or walk through walls as well as countless other spells. And yes, the yo-yo IS important!
Jude is such a great main character, I loved how cool she is no matter who or what she faces. She's so brave and ultimately pretty selfless though I'm sure she would hate for anyone to say that about her! 
Full of suspense and urgency which made me whizz through the book. I thought it had an excellent ending that was fully satisfying but also left me hoping for a sequel. I'd love to read more about Jude and her next adventures.
