A review by kitvaria_sarene
The Kishi by Antoine Bandele


The opening scene almost had me give up on the book, as there was a creepy – romance? If one can call it that… – scene with “throbbing breast” and all. Luckily this is not at all the direction the rest of the book was going, and I was hooked at the end of chapter two.

I enjoyed the characters, and especially the different POV to all the usual medieval Europe type of fantasy books. The dialogue was mostly well done, and only rarely sounded a bit stilted to me. I enjoyed spending time with them, and most of the time I understood their motivations and they felt quite real to me.

The different setting and background made for a fresh read. I also really liked following the tribes and their traditions. A few times things seemed to happen the way they did just for the plot, or felt a bit unrealistic even for fantasy, but all in all I was happy to suspend my disbelief for the time it took me to read the whole story.

All in all a quick and entertaining and intriguing read!