A review by magicalbookworm
The Last Campaign by Martin L. Shoemaker


This was a really great sequel to [b:The Last Dance|44067572|The Last Dance (The Near-Earth Mysteries, #1)|Martin L. Shoemaker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1562829205l/44067572._SX50_.jpg|68521427]! There was plenty about the story and the mystery that I enjoyed with only a few minor details that felt like they could be improved, but overall I had a really great time with this.

To start off, I'm finding that I just really enjoy the world that [a:Martin L. Shoemaker|245339|Martin L. Shoemaker|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png] is putting together in this series. Mars feels like the next frontier in this series and I am here for it. There is definitely more emphasis and a sense of greater importance involved with the politics in this book and I know that may not be everyone's favorite thing, but I enjoyed it. Plus it gave me time to get to know an adult Anthony and see the person he has turned into since his introduction in the first book which was great.

Moving on to the characters, Nick Aames is someone I have really loved getting to know through this series and even through all his flaws, I love getting to read more about what he's doing post-Aldrin. There are plenty of nods to the previous book and those characters which kept my nostalgia alive and well. It made me want more information on what everyone on the Aldrin was up to and how they were holding up, but I did love getting to know Rosalia and see how the Nico/Rosie relationship was getting along.

One of the biggest reasons I enjoyed The Last Dance as much as I did had to do with how much I loved reading all the little stories that played into the bigger picture of that book. The Last Campaign follows basically the same idea. It was a little different because there was no need to go back in time to tell off-the-record accounts and stories from the past during an investigation, but it still followed the same pattern.

In terms of any negatives, I only had smaller complaints. One was that some of the conversations felt a little off and unnatural to me. This had to do with the use and non-use of contractions at times. I know that seems nit-picky, but everything just didn't feel as completely realistic and natural as I would have liked because of it. For the most part I could overlook it, so it wasn't a huge deal. Another thing that felt off was the ending. Not what happened or anything like that, but it did feel a little rushed to me.

Overall, I really liked this! I couldn't help but to compare it to the first book which is probably why some of the little details got to me a little more, but it was good. I really love this world and the characters, so hopefully Martin has more ideas and stories to tell in this universe because I'm excited to read them.

I would like to give a big thank you to Netgalley and 47North for an advanced e-copy of The Last Campaign in exchange for an honest review.