A review by that_little_drop_of_poison
Villains, Inc by Casssandra Pierce, N. Sumi, Helena Maeve, Michelle Chow, Stephanie Rabig, A.D. Truax, Tan-ni Fan


I'm usually not a fan of anthologies, because it's hard to keep the quality of the stories and it's almost impossible for a reader to enjoy every one of them. There will always be better stories and worse stories, and I don't know if i'm ok with that.


I'm sure glad you asked, Lieutenant.

Let me start with telling you that when I read about this book I was delighted! Short stories on villains? Count me in.

When Shadows Touch Mountains - 4/5
I actually enjoyed this story and I'm glad it was the first one because it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
There was no real connection between the characters, but it was still nice.
I loved the twist on Camelot/Avalon story.

Strait of Monsters - 2/5
It wasn't VERY bad but it wasn't good really.
I liked the trans main character, but that's pretty much all. Again, there was no connection between the chcracters and when the story ended I was just thinking why on Earth it ended like that. There was no sense whatsoever.

Famished - 2/5
I would have given this story 3 stars if there wasn't a summary at the beggining of it. The summary was very detailed and had a description of the ENDING. Well, thank you for that.
The story itself was interesting, even if the language used in it was outdated. Come on, who speaks like that? What is it, XIX century?? I know that the author wanted to show how sophicticated was Elwyn, but HELLO!


Vinc - 1/5
I have one word for you: were-salamander.
Enough said.

Good Things Come - 1/5
The worst story in the entire book. And it says a lot if THIS was worse that pryromariac were-salamander story.
There was no plot whatoever except of very detailed sex scenes. I'm, cool with sex scenes, but come on, give me something! A plotline! Emotion! Something!
The main character was so annoying I felt like slapping him (and I don't mean it in a fun kinky way). I have no idea why would he ever come back to Jeff? Why would he risk everything for a dude he met like 5 minutes ago. Insta-love (or maybe insta-lust) at its finest.
The ending is just preposterous. Please, don't make me explain.

Mandelbrot - 4/5
I enjoyed this story VERY much. I loved the superhero/villain twist.
Extra point for properly self-recongizing (is that even a word? or did I just make it up?) Stockholm syndrome.
I loved the connection the characters had, I enjoyed their interactions very much. They grew and developed, which is always appreciated.
The one thing that bothered me, was the name of the Villain. He has this Polish name - Lew. Ok, first of all, what is he? 70? I know no one under that age with that name. Besides it's not Polish name, really. Russian maybe. Or Ukrainian. Then, he had this huge problem with picking his villain name. I have a resolution for you. You know what "lew" means? Lion. Here you are - The Lion, The Storm Lion. Easy as that. Everything would be better than Maldelbrot (which was very witty nontheless).


Overall, I didn't particulary enjoyed that book (with the exception of 2 stories, well ok, 2.5) so I can't possibly give it more than 2 stars.
I had high expectiations, but I felt like I was hoping for getting Anne Rice and got Stephenie Meyer instead.

Oh, and just so you know - there are some nice sexytimes scenes, so if you're gay hating person, then this book is not for you and don't bother picking it up.

I received this book form the publisher in exchange for an honest review.