A review by adularia25
The Horns of Ruin by Tim Akers


Quite frankly, this wasn't an amazing book – that is to say, it was highly predictable and didn't have the best writing, but it is packed with action. So if you want a quick read with say, lots and lots and lots of random violence, this is the book for you. The main female character doesn't stop kicking ass. Mind you, she is a member of a religious order for the local god of war, so fighting is what she does. She punches first, asks questions later the entire book, which can get tiresome when you just want something explained. To be fair, all the fighting is entirely in her character, but again, it does get tiresome. The book is brainlessly-fun doses of high action, and I have to admit I love the background world the book is set in, and the mythology of the gods. But those facets weren't enough to save this from mediocrity.