A review by ssejig
Aphrodite's Kiss by Julie Kenner


Zoe Smith is turning 25 and is about to come into her super powers. Actually, she's a halfling, so she's registering to take the test to become a full-fledged Protector. Her powers are going a little hay-wire as she comes into adulthood, all of her senses are amping up, super-sharp hearing, x-ray vision, and super taste buds that do a full-fledged flamenco when she eats chocolate.
Into her school library walks George Bailey Taylor who is trying to esrablish his PI business and has been reduced to taking a divirce case to help pay the bills. He's investigating Zoe's coworker for the smarmy ex -husband and Zoe, with her superpowers, catcheshim in the act.
They're attracted to each other and are thrown together when both are asked to find the stone from Aphrodite's girdle, Zoe by the High Council (the good guys) and Taylor by Hieronymous Black (uber bad guy).b
Great supporting characters who will show up in subsequent books of the series. Fast, fun light read.