A review by maureensbooks89
Looking for a Cowboy by Donna Grant


In ‘Looking For A Cowboy’ we meet Cooper Owens. Cooper has lived in Clearview all his life. He loves everything about his life, his friends and his town. But he still hasn’t really found something that he wants to make his career of. And above all he has never met a woman that he wants to spend forever with. But when a beautiful stranger walks into Clearview, he knows his life will never be the same.

Private Investigator Marlee Frampton has traveled to Clearview following a lead. Marlee’s life has revolved around finding missing baby’s who have been brutally cut from their mother’s bodies for years. Although Marlee really would love to have a break, she can’t rest until she finds the answer to her latest case. But meeting Cooper changes everything. For the first time in almost ten years, Marlee would like to spend time with someone. And for the first time since her sister was murdered, she feels save.

‘Looking For A Cowboy’ was definitely a nice read. From the moment I started reading I was intrigued by Marlee’s story, and I really wanted to know how this case would end. The case itself was horrible though. Pregnant woman who’s baby’s are being cut from their bodies, before they are killed. Since I’m 22 weeks pregnant at the moment, this felt even more horrible than it would feel normally I think. And I was determined to find out how this case would be solved. It definitely kept me sitting on the edge of my seat.

The romance between Cooper and Marlee was sweet. And I really enjoyed reading their story. But the romance was also pretty damn fast, and I would have liked to have a little more build up. For two people who had been alone for a long time, they pretty much instantly started a relationship. I just found that a little strange.

But overall ‘Looking For A Cowboy’ was another fun read by Donna Grant. I loved the little town of Clearview, and enjoyed reading about the different friendships. And I really look forward to reading more books in this series.