A review by meganmilks
Countersexual Manifesto by Paul B. Preciado


Weird - fun - humorously over-the-top. A theory of the dildo as countersexual prosthetic technology (countering the perception of the dildo as necessarily phallic, imitative of the penis). "All is dildo. And all becomes orifice." Very queer, very trans, very late 90s (and yet still, I'd argue, salient). (This was originally published in Spanish in 2000 and translated into English last year.) There are a few different modes here, including a chapter of high theory working through Deleuze's claim to "molecular homosexuality," but my favorites were the Practices -- like CAConrad's Somatic Exercises, these are practices one can implement to adopt and honor "the logic of the dildo" and are accompanied by appealingly crude stick drawings.