A review by annamh2000
The Hidden by Melanie Golding


It was so good. It was a real page Turner and hard to put down. Though one of the main characters did so many fucked uo things and it’s still unfathomable to me that someone can be that evil. Also did make me a bit paranoid. So a remainder to everyone but especially women. Share your location with friends, check your car, purse, etc.. make sure there’s no external tracking device (like an Apple ID tag that you’re unaware of). It’s okay if your fronds know where you are for a first date or whatver the case may be. But just make sure the wrong people aren’t trying to track you. Sorry not to scary anyone but shit happens to people everyday and it’s better to be safe and alive. Anyway sorry that was the one thing while reading this book, I was like I need to make sure no one’s tracking me that I don’t know about. But very good book, but if you’re super paranoid/ anxious maybe don’t read it. For the most part I was okay reading it but it might be hard to read if you’re in a bad headspace