A review by sometimesleelynnreads
Stormrise by Jillian Boehme


See full review and post on my blog Sometimes Leelynn Reads

Okay, fam. You know that I’m not going to pass up the opportunity to read a book about dragons, okay?

Seriously, though. Give me all the dragons, okay? Because I think that Boeheme did an amazing job with this novel, and I’m kind of bummed that it’s over? I mean… imagine having a dragon that can speak to you in your mind, and having the magic of a dragon physically alter your appearance. It sounds like my kind of book, and I absolutely adore why Rain did what she did.

But let me back up a bit.

Rain and Storm are twins, and since they both got sick when they were babies, and the doctor ended up giving the cure to Rain instead of Storm, she was the one that ended up getting better. Her brother didn’t end up recovering fully, and it seems like he has a learning disability from it. While his body is correct in age, his mind and his mannerisms are of a younger boy. I don’t know what they call it in his book, but from my experience, it would seem like he has a learning or developmental disability, but it came about from this illness. Rain and her father train her to be a Neshu warrior, and she is a freaking bad ass. The only thing is, as a female, she isn’t allowed to be one because patriarchy, am I right?

So she pulls a Mulan on us, gets some medicine from this sort of shady lady that gives her dragon powder to stop her monthly bleeding so she can disguise herself as her brother Storm and take his place in the war because we all know he is not made for battle. What makes it worse is that their father was going to go with him to make sure nothing bad happened to him, which meant that both men in the family would be gone.

And of course, my girl Rain does an awesome job in warrior camp, and not only does she end up bonding with her fellow soldiers in training, but I think she may have eyes for both her tent-mate Forest and her Commander? I don’t know, man, but I’m curious to see what you guys think about a dragon talking to you in your head asking to be released, you know?

This book got crazy! It was definitely a wild ride, and I think some of my dragon loving friends would like this story.