A review by hauntedhexgirll
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid


4.5 ⭐️

I really enjoyed this book. The imagery in it was amazing and I really liked the main character’s progression through the story. I thought it was a very thought provoking book that hit multiple points of trauma that many people could relate to and find themselves in.

I thought the relationships all the in the book were interesting and seemed believable for how the story was written.

The only reason that I didn’t give this book five stars was sometimes the writing felt a little hard to follow and I had to reread things to really get what it was saying. But that’s probably more of a fault of me than the book.

The gore and violence in this book felt like it all served a purpose. It wasn’t for shock value at all.

This story shows how someone suffering from trauma who thinks they know love from their abuser can grow, overcome, and find love (not necessarily always romantic like in this story.) that is true.