A review by harleyrae
Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon


I have some mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed it overall, it I was not entirely blown away. This seems to be a common theme though with Sandhya Menon books for me. I either really love it, or it’s just ok. This one unfortunately was just ok.

The story felt very repetitive. The exact same thing just kept being mentioned and brought up. I didn’t feel like there was any big twist or surprises. It was just average. I was also a little disappointed in the the lack of magic. This story felt like it should have been bursting with magic, and there wasn’t any.

I feel like with how the book ended, just completely ruined one of the main plot points. I feel like this story had so much potential overall, but just fell flat in the long run. I’d be interested in picking up the following books in the series, but I don’t think I’ll be rushing to the store when they release.