A review by pixiewithpens
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein

funny lighthearted reflective fast-paced


Gertrude Stein comes off as a bit of an edgelord, and the content warning i added refer to an off handed comment that sounded like she thought it was smart or funny but to me reads like nonsense, as in it made no sense. These are very small parts of the book but i figure Its something people want to know before going in. Otherwise i found it a lot easier to read than i anticipated, and quite engaging. Of course i am an art nerd so i very much enjoyed all the gossip about now famous artists like matisse and picasso. Its also quite funny how Its framed as the biography of Alice when in reality Its mainly about Gertrude herself. Another thing to note is that while this was recommended to me as a lesbian classic, their relationship is not a topic in it, like at all. Its things they did and people they saw together and thats the focus. Id mostly recommend it to art nerds for the historical interest, i think thats the person who will get most out of it. I also dont think it should be taken too seriously. These are very privileged out of touch people, both writing and being written about, so i wouldnt put too much stock in their view of the world. 

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