A review by scytmo
The Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie


This was my first Agatha Christie, but not my first Cozy Mystery (I had previous read Richard Osman’s first book and enjoyed it). Unfortunately, I found it incredibly heavy going. In chapter after chapter nothing much happens except the slow and inexorable revelation of another tidbit of information that either contradicts something previously uncovered, or doesn’t seem to relate to anything. And while I appreciate that many people may find this intriguing and enjoyable, I found it frustrating.

I very much liked the main character of Len Clement. To me he felt authentic and I enjoyed his forebearing weariness. The other characters felt much more two-dimensional, though - and I found the smug, supercilious false modesty of Miss Marple to be quite annoying.

This was almost a ‘did not finish’ for me, but I trudged on to the end, mainly so that I could write an honest review. So here it is. Not for me, I’m afraid.