A review by michaeljpdx
Time to Make the Donuts by Rawiya


Chris is a relatively happy man. He owns the most popular donut shop in Chicago’s boy’s town, which he inherited from his uncle. He’s out and proud, and has a group of employees that are loyal friends. The only thing missing in his life is a man to share it all with.

So, naturally, into the shop one morning comes Andre, Chris’ caramel colored dream come true. There’s an instant connection between the two, and Andre especially pushes hard to woo the love struck Chris. What Chris doesn’t know is that Andre’s appearance in the shop was no accident. Will the truth derail the start of a relationship? Of course not, silly, this is romance.

Time To Make the Donuts is a really sweet story – hey, it’s about donuts – that moves at breakneck speed. Andre’s seduction of Chris is almost too fast and hard to be believable, but I didn’t mind that too much, since the dialog and situations were rather fun to read. My one real niggle with the writing was the constant reference to Chris as ‘the manager’. I know all too well how tricky pronouns can be when writing about two men, but referring to Chris as ‘the manager’ even when he’s alone, or making love with Andre, seems terribly reductive, especially when you consider that Chris is not just the manager of the shop, he’s the owner as well. The author does this enough that it got rather annoying. There was much less reference to Andre as the ‘assistant’.

The inevitable climax, when Chris discovers the real reason Andre came into the shop that one morning, is handled with a little less drama than you might expect. It all matches the fast pace of the story, where very little is allowed to get in the way of the happy ending. This book is a light read, that isn’t going to engage you but will entertain you for a night or two.