A review by alykat_reads
Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell



Oh Patricia.. And to think I nearly gave up on you when you some how managed to write a fairly decent book in this series again, reminiscent of the first few. I'm not sure what happened between 2007 and 2008 to make this happen, but you go, Glen Coco. Maybe it was therapy since it seemed like all the characters went in between this book and the last and actually remained level-headed 99% of the time. Perhaps this just seemed good because the last 3 were just downright terrible. Either way, I dare to say I actually was enjoying this throughout at least 60% of this. It is a bit slow and it seems like there's a lot of 'nothing' happening, but it does play into the final outcome of this. I will say though, I am a bit tired of the 'psychopaths being obsessed with Kay and murdering people in her honor' trope though. I get it, Patricia; you're modeling Kay after yourself and you're so beautiful and smart and have all these amazing random skills so who wouldn't be obsessed with you, but that being the motivation behind 90% of your killers makes it a bit boring and played out. We do understand, but can you please let someone else be the center of their obsession? Thank u.