A review by layla87
Dear Mr. Brody by A.M. Johnson


I am addicted to AM Johnson's writing and words.

She writes such pretty, emotional and sweet words without them being overly fluffy and OTT. Her characters are always lovable and down-to-earth, balanced in a way that is never stereotypical.
They have that certain "Je ne sais quoi" that just works for me.

Now for the review...

What I loved:
1. The Characters:
Donovan/(Van): He is a recently divorced man, a dad, an editor and a new teacher in a private college.
He is also a bisexual man who has never been with a man, since he got married young and was completely devoted to his wife. Van is such a strong character. He juggles parenthood, 2 jobs and a relationship when he meets and falls for Parker. He is determined to be the best in every aspect in his life, and being with Parker breathes life into him, and shows him what he has been missing. #EyesWideOpen

Parker/Park: Is ex-military and now a college student who is pursuing a writing career. He knows that lusting over his handsome professor isn't going to get him anywhere, but it can't be helped. Park is resilient and courageous, handling life with energy and a positive disposition which is why he gives no f@cks when he sets his sights on Van. #IveGotMyEyesOnYou

2. The Plot:
We get to experience Park and Van navigating their attraction and acting on it, despite the fact that they shouldn't be together because of the college policies. Van and Parker meet anonymously online and then meet without even knowing who the other is. They bond over their love of a gay retelling of Peter Pan and take that first step towards a relationship. #IFoundYouMyLostBoy

3. The Romance:
They come together gradually, first online, then in person. They date, they bond and they become a family so seamlessly. Van's daughter is also part of that family, and Park is beautiful with her. This book is full of feels, and these men are not afraid to express their emotions. #BeautifulToWitness

PS: Van's blushes were the death of me.

4. Steam-o-meter: Steamy and so freaking erotic without being overly sexual! Sexting, Dirty talk...the works!
Van gets all his firsts with Parker and it was so HAWT. #ThisBodyIGiveToYou

5. Angst-o-meter: Lowish Angst. #HappyBookHappyMe

6. The HEA: We get to have a very special HEA in this book! #NoSpoilers!