A review by goodbookery
Secrets of the Greek Revival by Eva Pohler


Part cozy mystery, part paranormal women’s fiction, Secrets of the Greek Revival was not my typical type of read. I read this in October and thought it would be mostly a ghost story, which it sort of was but mostly was not. Without sharing spoilers, I’ll just say that the story goes in directions I was not expecting and there’s plenty that’s unbelievable there. On the plus side, I was able to read this without having to think too much about it. However, I felt that some characters were more caricatures than anything else, the writing style was not a good fit for me and often veered toward cheesy, and things tie up a little too nicely in the end. And boy, do the women in this book like Panera. (Nothing against Panera at all, I like it too, but when restaurants or meals were mentioned, probably at least half the time they ate Panera.) If you like cozy mysteries or paranormal storylines and are looking for something you can skim, this might fit the bill. Otherwise, I’d pass on this one.