A review by krisrid
Black In White by JC Andrijeski


I am honestly not sure how to review this book. It definitely had some intriguing aspects and the story was suspenseful and exciting. But it was also a bit "out there" in terms of parts of the plot and had me shaking my head. I settled on three stars because I did enjoy it overall.

I was hot and cold about Miri. At times she came across and smart, strong and capable. At other points she was needy and insecure, and while her back story partly explains that (and I won't give more details to avoid spoilers) it made her less sympathetic for me because I gravitate to strong female characters. Still she had her moments.

Black was more interesting to me. He starts out as 100% in control of everything and everyone around him - including the cops - but when he meets Miri his veneer cracks which made him a bit more human for me. I like Black.

I can't really say much about the actual plot without giving spoilers, but let's just say that this story line isn't my particular favourite flavor of paranormal/sci-fi. Again, it had its moments, but there were also parts that had me shaking my head.

The "romance" aspect of this book was just weird and didn't work for me at all. When a sex scene in a book makes you wince it's off the rails.

Finally, the description of this book says "no cliff-hanger" bit in fact it DOES end with the reader left hanging if you ask me and that always irks me.

If I hadn't already bought the second book in a deal for my reader I doubt I would read the next book. But since I already have I probably will to see if I like this world more in the next chapter or if I am done for good here.