A review by imkatefrantz
Good or God?: Why Good Without God Isn't Enough by John Bevere


John Bevere is without a doubt one of my favorite modern-day Christian speakers and authors. His work Fear of the Lord absolutely changed my life, as well as Driven by Eternity and Extraordinary Living. Maybe I should just list all of his books, that’s how Holy Spirit inspired they are. While reading them you know it isn’t coming from the mind of John Bevere, it’s coming from the heart of God.

Good or God is no exception. I have always held the belief that there is no gray area. That when you look closely enough you can separate the black from the white – the distance you are from the issue, question, or circumstance determines how gray it is based on your perspective. In Good or God John reveals God’s heart for us to be so close to God that we easily separate good from bad, white from black, evil from Holy.
Using stories, scriptures, and Holy Spirit charged admonitions and encouragement; this book reveals human error and how God’s grace empowers us to live in His perfect strength. It convicts, inspires, brings understanding, and draws you closer to Father.

I’m not saying you must read this book, but I am saying it would be a good decision. This is a message from the Throne to your life so your relationship with God can be radically changed. Are we satisfied with ‘good’ or do we want God – pure and unadulterated - not for what He can do for us, but for Him alone?
But really, read this book. Then give it away.