A review by vkemp
The Fisher King by Melissa Lenhardt


Jack McBride took his son and moved to Stillwater TX when his wife left them to go on a "sabbatical" from their marriage. Jack has met a new, interesting woman, Ellie Martin, but then his wife shows back up again, wanting a reconciliation. For the sake of his son, Ethan, Jack is willing to try. When two charred bodies are discovered in an old house right on the outskirts of town, as the new sheriff, Jack has to work with various other law enforcement organizations in the county. He also has to keep track of his brother, Eddie, who is living with his family while Eddie tries to get his life back on track after a stint in prison. Eddie has taken a job with Doyle Industries, the biggest employer in Stillwater, but there appears to be much more going on behind the scenes at the industrial complex than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Ellie is running for City Council against Joe Doyle and she really does not stand a chance. This second book in the Jack McBride series offers a deeper look into the characters introduced in Stillwater.