A review by paradoxically
Dragonquest by Anne McCaffrey


I feel like reading this book was a lot like wading through muck, and that there are times when it's easier and times when you're so bogged down it makes going really tough. I grew rather bored with various characters and very few of them really interested me. It doesn't help that I dislike ever shifting POV changes. It definitely didn't help when
SpoilerF'nor first had sex with Brekke and she was struggling throughout the beginning and apparently it was for her to get over her fears, but seriously now? How is that all right? Because she was in love with F'nor? That is a crappy 'excuse'.

I found myself more interested in Jaxom, though that might be my nostalgia talking since I've always loved Ruth best. Admittedly, i skimmed very quickly over the parts that didn't interest me as much. It wasn't all terrible (though, uh, part of that is probably my nostalgia as well) because fire lizards! Dragons! Such a huge sucker for these still that it's almost ridiculous.

The way the book resolves felt anticlimactic. In fact, how the villains are just quietly nudged into the background (or are indisposed and thus not of consequence anymore) was a bit of a let down--somehow the reader expects a little bit more and this book doesn't really deliver. Overall, 2 stars.