A review by swayzedaisy
The Midnight Dance by Nikki Katz


i actually ended up enjoying this a lot more than i thought i would bc i went into it almost completely blind as to what it was about since it was 100% a cover buy. was i disappointed to learn that it’s not a retelling of 12 dancing princesses and/or swan lake like i originally thought? yes. but it’s actually a retelling of pinocchio with some ballet, so i can’t complain too much. it’s one of those books where you kind of sort of don’t really know what’s going on until you know exactly what’s going on and then everything makes total sense. penny and cricket were adorable and i kind of liked that we saw small glimpses into master’s head, but not so many that we can sympathize with him.

nothing really happens until about 60% into the book, so it’s a little slow going but at the same time it’s engaging enough to keep you reading until you reach that 60%. would i rec? probably not unless it’s your niche. it was a quick and fun read but nothing that was too memorable.