A review by arbieroo
Star Trek 6 by James Blish


So, if Blish is like chocolate and Star Trek is like relatively cheap but still tasy chocolate (see my review of [b:Star Trek 4|76750|Star Trek 4|James Blish|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1184738283s/76750.jpg|2330757]) then four volumes of Blish Star Trek adaptations in quick succession is like binge eating your favourite chocolate bars until you feel nauseated...I'm taking a break from this series for a while...

There's another issue: Blish, in one of his prefaces ([b:Star Trek 3|76749|Star Trek 3|James Blish|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1184738234s/76749.jpg|2893168] I think), mentions that he is choosing which scripts to adapt based on the number of requests he receives for given episodes. Now, assuming that the general mass of Star Trek fans who were also readers willing to write to the author had some discernment, then the best episodes will appear early in the series and the quality will therefore go down in the later books. This is evident across the books 3-6 that I've read. Should one conclude that being a Star Trek fan, being a reader or being willing to write fan mail implies discerning character? Or any combination or permutation? Studies should be conducted!