A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth


Struck tells the story of Mia Price, a teenage girl thats addicted to lighting. She's been struck countless times and has been forced to move to L.A. where there are no storms... until now. Red lines cover Mia's body from foot to her neck, making her face the only place unmarked by the lightening scars. After an earthquake and a storm hits L.A. everything changes. There are food shortages, homes have been destroyed and abandoned, families share tents and the end of the world is coming. The city of angels is divided into three groups: The followers, the seekers, and those who have yet to pick a side.
~The Followers:~
A group of religious people who follow a blind prophet who predicted the earthquake and the storm just minutes before it happened. They believe god speaks to the prophet and he has predicted the end of the world: four days left to live, four days to ask for god's forgiveness.
~The Seekers:~
A group that believes the prophet is the false prophet mentioned in the book of revelations. They know the end is coming and believe prophet will be the one to begin it. They are against prophet and his followers, they refuse to let the world end and are going to try and stop it. The leaders of the seekers all have "the spark" they've been hit by lightning and have discovered it's powers.
Soon the seekers find Mia at school and tell her they believe she is the so called "tower girl", destined to lead the seekers on the fight on the end of the world. Home's not much better with Mia's mother obsessed with the prophet and traumatized by an incident that happened to her on the day of the earthquake, she refuses to leave her room. On top of that Mia meets a handsome stranger named Jeremy who claims he can see her future and its not a very good one. What's a teenage girl at the end of the world to do?

This book was AMAZING! To think I almost didn't read it! When I read the synopsis the whole "addicted to lightning" thing was so unrealistic and ridiculous I almost didn't pick the book up. I finally decided to just give it a try and if I didn't find it interesting within the first couple chapters I'd put the book down. Amazingly, Struck was one of the first novels in a long time in which I became instantly hooked! Not only was it realistic, when I would look up from my book outside I half expected to see nothing but ruins around me and would think my days were almost over (I live in L.A.) until I caught myself and realized "wait this is real life, DUH!". I was so sucked in! The story was full of action and was hardly dull, there was always something exciting happening! I mean what else do you expect when the world is going to end right? Although one of the characters seemed a bit two dimensional, most were realistic. The antagonist was horrible (in a good way!) you really don't like him which is how your supposed to feel about an antagonist. I LOVED THIS BOOK! I WAS STRUCK by cupid! I can't wait for the sequel!!!

Those that have a strange fascination with the apocalypse.

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